I love Veronica’s class because she focuses on what many of us need the most, and because she’s teaching us valuable life skills along the way. Veronica shares her extensive knowledge of the human body through the poses she chooses and explanations of how and why they’re effective. — Linda
I love Veronica. She’s very attentive to the needs of people. Her focus on core strength and guidance on self-correction are amazingly helpful for the best yoga practice possible! — Tin-Tin
Veronica is an exceptional teacher. — Sandra
I started taking your classes when I was just 5 weeks pregnant and I am very thankful for how well they prepared me mentally and physically for the challenge of labor. I felt strongly that my body was capable and could handle whatever was to come. Thank you for all your support during my pregnancy. Your classes are truly special and I cherish the simple time spent focusing on my body and baby. — Marie
Thank you for guiding me through my pregnancy! Yoga is such a layered, complex practice. It’s not just the physical rewards we reap every class/week, but the mental strength we gain from breath control and the wise wisdom of our teacher. Good luck to all the mamas on their incredible individual journeys, they will be stronger thanks to you. — Shanna
Thank you so much for all of the advice, questions answered, and really helpful physical and emotional preparation! We have been recommending your partners’ workshop to people and will continue to! — Catherine
It took 2.5 hours of pushing but in the end our 9 lb. 11 oz bundle was born vaginally. Many of the nurses commented on how much strength it takes to push out a baby of that size and it made me thankful that I kept my muscles strong at yoga!
— Kara
I just wanted to extend a big THANK YOU and namaste to you following the birth of our baby girl Annie! The breathing and focus we did in prenatal yoga were key to bringing her into this world, but I’m actually most surprised by how much I’ve used the relaxation techniques and breath work postpartum! I figured it’d be the yoga poses we did that would help me the most during labor and after labor, and yes those helped get my body ready to birth on a physical level, but it really truly came back to the breath.
Even now, I find myself basically using the skill of getting into savasana when I’m trying to successfully nap during the day, and I find myself using the ujjayi breaths to get through some of the frustrations in breastfeeding. I’m just so thankful that I had a steady way to prepare my body and mind for all of this. Thank you for everything you did to teach and guide me over the last few months.
Lastly, regarding the home birth experience, I love the wisdom you shared with our class every week…. It’s about taking part in your birthing process and labor. I’ve never been anti-hospital, or overly pro-homebirth, I just know that giving birth at home was right for me. Each week in class I used that time just to build confidence in my decision, and now even with a sort of dramatic postpartum experience, it’s helping me realize I was exactly where I needed to be to labor how I felt I needed to labor. — Sarah
Thank you for all your support and wisdom during both of my pregnancies. I learned so much from your classes that proved vital to my birth experience. Please send my very best to all the mamas in your class. I miss your class already! — Sarina
And thank you so, so much for being the most amazing yoga teacher and coach throughout my pregnancy. I loved your class so much. Elliot’s birth was amazing, and so much more incredible than I could have ever imagined. So much wonderful time in yoga practicing calm and surrender did a world of good. We got to the end ready to push and I was sort of mentally bracing for a long haul, but she was out in 2 pushes, 2 minutes after the doctor walked through the door. All 8+ pounds of her. Good yoga muscles 🙂 It was such a happy wonderful joyful experience. Thank you so much for everything. — Austin
I have to write you to thank you for your incredibly positive impact on my pregnancy/birthing experience. You told me early on that each pregnancy can be different, and so it was with this one. These past 9 months and last Friday’s c-section could not have been more opposite than my experience with Steen, but it was a good teaching experience for me. Going into the surgery. I had no idea that Liva’s birth could be one of the happiest days of my life (the other being Steen’s birth).
What I really wanted to tell you was that how much my yoga practice – albeit different elements than before – assisted me with Liva’s birth. The prospect of an epidural and surgery scared me more than any of the physical aspects of Steen’s rapid-fire birth, so I took time the morning of the surgery to meditate, I closed my eyes and I kept a deep breath going through the surgery. The doctors commented it was zen in the operating room. Thank you, thank you! — Nell
I think that doing a regular prenatal practice was essential to helping me perform the labor and delivery physically, emotionally, and mentally. It also helped manage my anxiety leading up to the birth and to confront so many unknowns–the normal ones about a first-time birth experience and the unusual ones about the pandemic and how it might directly affect us.
Thank you, Veronica, for your guidance and consistent support for me and so many other pregnant people. It is a huge service to so many and I am personally grateful for your help. I thought of you during labor when I was working on my breathing and it was helpful and comforting to think back on something I had practiced with you for many months. — Andrea